Here SBG East Coast's Stephen Whittier shares a little about his award winning Growing Gorillas martial arts program for kids.
My name is Stephen Whittier. I own and operate Straight Blast Gym East Coast (SBG), the #1 Award-Winning Martial Arts School in Wareham, MA. I want to commend you on taking the most important step to changing your child’s life forever!
Everybody knows that making sure your child develops confidence is the key to long-term success in life…. Not to mention, you can’t turn on the news today without hearing about some tragic story resulting from a child or teen being harassed by bullies. And for every story like this we hear, there are countless more that we’ll never know about, but nevertheless result in deep psychological trauma….
Well, I’m here to tell you that this DOES NOT HAVE TO BE YOUR CHILD!
Your Child's Long Term Success
Recent Statistics have revealed that putting your child in a positive after school activity like martial arts classes can drastically help long term success (and our award-winning Growing Gorillas program has a very high track record.)
In fact, I’m happy to say that our program has a proven process to help kids and teens grow into confident, capable young leaders armed with the gift of confidence and a success-oriented mindset.
I’m on an unstoppable mission to make sure they become positive and productive adults!
The Big Myth About Kid's Marital Arts
One of the biggest misconceptions about martial arts is that they are all created equal…. Parents have 'heard' that they’re good for teaching positive values and qualities like self-discipline, respect, and confidence as well as self-defense.
But the reality is that there are MASSIVE differences in quality between different martial arts programs – which is why we have parents who drive up to 45 minutes or more each way to our program to ensure that their children get the best possible education. And that goes for both training and in developing important life skills.
Learn more about SBG East Coast Kids Martial Arts Classes
Growing Gorillas Proven Process
Because the fact is, you can’t just hope that taking martial arts classes transfer these positive qualities to your child – there has to be a proven process in place to help them become their best!
And as both a former University educator and a marital arts instructor for my entire adult life, I’m very happy to report that we’ve “cracked the code” when it comes to doing just that.
Here at SBG, our awesome staff and instructors make sure that every one of our students has the chance to meet their potential and reach for the stars!